142 George Lane, London, England, E18 1AY

Evaluation of Adult Circumcisions by Forceps-guided Method at Thornhill Centre

I have audited 172 adults circumcision in one year – Jan 2013- Dec 2013 at Thornhill Clinic, Luton 

Adult  circumcision audit for 2013 and complications.png


Cultural/hygiene/religious n=152

Medical due to phimosis – Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO)  n=20


Infection n=6 (3.4%) treated with antibiotics

Minor bleeding n=5 (3%) conservatively treated

Wound gap n=2 (1%), topical antibiotics

Overall, Circumcision with Glue is better than stitches because of less pain, less infection and less scaring. Glue is waterproof so that patients can have a shower next day. 

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